Monday, March 21, 2011

Pain in my legs. Could it be Shin Splints?

It seems that these days children are more active then ever before. Most kids participate in multiple sports throughout the school year and are a part of a variety of teams. You may have a child that is complaining of pain on the front part of their legs. This complaint may be from children who have just started to become active or have recently increased their activity level. Don't just ignore the pain and blame it on "growing pains" because most of the time it isn't!

Shin Splints can cause pain in the lower leg usually due to overuse of the muslces, chronic and repetitive stress, and can also be the result of bad feet, muscle imbalance, bad shoes or improper training.

Early treatments for Shin Splints includes ice, rest, anti-inflammatory like Advil, stretching exercises, over the counter arch supports, custom orthotics, and physical therapy.

Making sure that your child's shoe fits correctly is the first and most important step. The shoe needs to be the correct type of shoe for your child's foot structure to insure that they are getting enough support. Shoes that allow to much flexibility of the foot are more likely to cause shin splints.

Some children may need an orthotic that will be placed in their shoe for extra added support. Your child's gait can be evaluated by a podiatrist who can recommend the correct shoe type and orthotic type for your child.

Shin splints are very common in children and are an over use injury. Make sure your children are listening to their bodies and taking time off sports to keep them pain free.