Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Does Your Child Have a Flat foot?

Parents are constantly asking me whether their child’s flat foot should be treated or if they will “grow out of it”.
This is one of the most controversial current topics in pediatric foot care and the debate is really over how to decide when treatment is warranted for pediatric flatfoot. The controversy rages most loudly when the flat foot in question is without pain. Many pediatricians tell parents that their child will indeed “grow out of it.” If this was true, why are we treating so many symptomatic flat feet in adults in our Grapevine, Texas office?
   It is easier to get agreement that a child with a symptomatic flatfoot should receive treatment. No one thinks a child in pain should be left untreated, especially given the myriad of options we have to relieve that pain. In that subgroup, the controversy is often over what type of treatment — off-the-shelf devices or custom orthotics — the child should receive.
The greater challenge for today’s podiatrist is having the ability to discern when treatment is necessary for children with painless flatfoot. Bear in mind that a painless flat foot does not imply an asymptomatic flat foot. Children often express their symptoms without reporting any pain. They may be lazy, frequently ask to be carried, prefer sedentary activities or have trouble keeping up with their peers. This can lead to childhood obesity issues and life long disability.
Only doctors who discuss these issues with the parents will uncover subtle manifestations of the flat, poorly supportive foot that are already contributing to changes in activity level and functional ability. The first step in identifying flat feet that require treatment is to uncover the subtle changes in activity level and performance that may well be caused or aggravated by foot misalignment and dysfunction. After one has started treatment, parents often report a significant change in children’s activity levels, which is often to the great satisfaction of the parent. The children themselves are happier, healthier and more active as well.

Powersteps had come out with a great pre-fabricated device that can get a symptomatic flat foot under control quickly. They are inexpensive and a great first line therapy for these children. They are also readily available at Healthy Steps! Some kids still need a custom functional orthotic, but at least we can get them on the road to recovery much quicker with these devices.

If your child has low arches or flat feet, bring them in for a biomechanical exam and ou doctors can talk to you more about the long reaching problems that can be avoided by treating their flat feet.


Unknown said...

What exactly is a flat foot? My doctor told me to visit a foot doctor in Calgary because he thinks my feet are flat, but he didn't exactly explain what it is. Can you help me find some resources?

Unknown said...

I need to find a foot doctor in my area. I think that my daughter may have flat feet. I want to see what products we can use in order to help her.
Gary Puntman | http://www.pinkerandassociates.com

Unknown said...

I think that my son might have flat feet, but the only way that I can know for sure is if I take him to a podiatrist. That way we can make sure that we get on top of things and get it all taken care of before it gets worse. They can even tell us what kind of things we can get for his shoes to correct his walking.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

My son has been having pain in his foot and I think that he should really see a podiatrist. The pains usually come an go, but the pain that he has now is not going away and I fear that it is going to change the way that he learns how to walk. I have heard toe infections can get pretty serious and want to make sure this is or isn't a problem.


Unknown said...

Anne, you would definitely know if you have a flat foot! If you have a little to no arch, then you have a flat foot and it can be painful. As a parent, I'm going to be watching to see if my kids develop flat feet or complain of any foot pain as they grow up. That's great that there are products that can help kids that have flat feet so they don't feel the pain. http://www.harapodiatrists.com/family_podiatry_covina_CA.html

Unknown said...

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Sheran said...

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